
There are lots of resources out there to help as you parent your children. Here are some of my favorites to get you started:


MOPS – Mothers Of Preschoolers is such a great organization!  It really helped me when I was going through a time of anger toward my kids.  I could get together with other moms and share the joys and frustrations of being a mom.  Check their web site at to find out if there is a MOPS group near you.

Hearts at Home – This wonderful organization helped me grow so much as a wife and mother over the years. It ran from 1994 to 2017. Founder Jill Savage went on to other avenues of ministry (also a great resource for all of you moms), but Hearts2 conferences have continued under the leadership of Dr. Kathy Koch and Suzanne and Lane Phillips ( You can also like their Facebook page to find resources and learn about future conferences for moms.


Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses by Amber Lea and Wendy Speake (Same Page Press, 2016). The anger you’re feeling may be coming from internal or external triggers that cause you to explode inappropriately. Explore those triggers and learn how to respond in gentler ways using this resource. You can also buy the book and become part of a private Facebook group when you join the 31-day Triggers challenge at

Parenting Scripts: When What You’re Saying Isn’t Working, Say Something New by Amber Lea and Wendy Speake (Same Page Press, 2017). Sometimes we need help when we just don’t know what to say to our kids. From the description on Amazon: Focusing on the most ordinary and yet troublesome areas in our daily routines, Parenting Scripts helps parents to craft intentional and well thought out and prayed over words.

She’s Gonna Blow! by Julie Barnhill (Harvest House, 2001) I’ve had the privilege of meeting Julie in person – her book offers real help for moms dealing with anger. She compares our anger to different types of volcanoes and gives practical advice for taming “Mount Momma.” You can visit Julie’s website and find out when she might be speaking in your area at

Breaking Free by Beth Moore (Broadman and Holman, 2000)  “Making Liberty in Christ a Reality in Life”  Beth’s book presents a biblical basis for breaking free from the lies that keep you in bondage.  You’ll learn to believe God’s truth instead.

Emotions:  Can You Trust Them?  by Dr. James Dobson (Regal Books, 1980) Dr. Dobson’s book includes a chapter on anger with good study questions which can really help you learn to deal with anger in an effective way.

Getting Out of Your Kids’ Faces and Into Their Hearts  by Valerie Bell (Zondervan, 1994)  The note on the cover says, “Become the Warm, Loving Parent You’ve Always Wanted to Be.”

Good and Angry  by Scott Turansky and Linda Miller (WaterBrook, 2002) Very good ideas and advice.

The Heart of Anger by Lou Priolo (Calvary Press, 1997)  An excellent resource to help parents deal with their own anger and then address it in their children’s lives.

And Then I Had Kids  by Susan Alexander Yates (Wolgemuth & Hyatt, 1988) I’ve reread this one many times!  She writes especially for mothers of young children – and has five kids of her own so she speaks from experience.  She especially reminds us that we live our lives in “seasons” and that we need to enjoy the season we’re in now (whether that means toddlers or teens!)

Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp (Shepherd Press, 1995)  The things your child does and says flow from the heart.  Learn how to shepherd your child’s heart into the right paths with this practical, very helpful book.

When Anger Hits Home -Taking Care of Your Anger Without Taking It Out on Your Family  by Gary Jackson Oliver and H. Norman Wright (Moody Press, 1992)  Great helps for dealing with anger.

When You Feel Like Screaming  by Pat Holt & Grace Ketterman (Harold Shaw Publishers, 1988)  Let’s face it, we all scream at times, but this book can help you stop and use more effective methods to motivate your children.


Music by Steve and Annie Chapman – especially A Mother’s Touch (songs: Survivor, Goodnight Kiss), and two concert recordings – An Evening Together , and The Greatest Gift    (All by S & A Family, Inc.)  Steve and Annie Chapman really have a heart for the family, and their music will convict and inspire you. (